Family Involvement Team Programs – 2023


The Family Involvement Team hosts a community-wide celebration to welcome our students and families back to a new year of learning, activities, and development. Booths this year included several sporting clubs, including softball, hockey, dance, figure skating, jiu-jitsu (and more). Clubs include boy scouts, cub scouts, vocals, and theater. Look for our flier at the beginning of the school year.


Funded by the Middle School Color Run and Muldown’s Fun Run. Each staff member at WSD could spend $200 on their classroom or workplace. Here are a few things the Mini Classroom Grants funded this year; Magnetic whiteboards, incentive prizes, art supplies for holiday projects, shelving, a mini fridge for the Science lab, a guest musician, pottery tools, and so much more. 


There is a need to support children who need a little extra help. Whether with weather-appropriate clothes, field trip fees, or extra snacks during school. FIT works with teachers and guidance counselors to provide the necessities for our students. The use of sign-up genius for donations of lightly used or new clothes. Or simply purchasing a winter emergency. This program is funded through the general WEF funds. 

This year’s huge success was the creation of the PAW boutique for the high school. This boutique was open to any high schooler who needed a shopping-like experience to choose clothes and life essentials. This included toiletries, socks, underwear, shoes/boots, or an entire wardrobe. 


We celebrated staff appreciation the first week in May (National Teacher Appreciation is the second, which conflicts with the 8th-grade history trip). We celebrated staff with gift cards, flowers, and food. This year we had food from these businesses. ButterKrem Cupcakes, GreenGo’s Burritos, Ed McGrew BBQ, Flathead Espresso, Chic-Fil-A, and Jimmy John’s. Donations for staff appreciation included Pure West, Engel and Volkers, Bay Equity, and Glacier Bank. Thank you to all the families who donated and celebrated our teachers and staff. 


As a Whitefish Middle School Fundraiser, this is a student-run fundraiser. We partner with Booster-a- Thon to host an exciting color run for students. We raised over our $40,000 goal this year. The money raised during this event includes the 8th-grade history trip and transportation for future field trips.


This is the largest biennial Muldown Elementary School Fundraiser. Our youngest children raised the most this year, raising well over the $40,000 goal; this money helps fund activities like Arts With The Masters and transportation for field trips. 


Arts in April is an opportunity for 2- 4th graders to learn a new skill amongst their peers. They get to choose an activity/class and learn from our wonderful volunteers, consisting of both parents and professionals who generously donate their skills and time. Classes included chess, clay sculpting, fly tying, interior design, jewelry making, cooking, basketball, exploring France, sewing, golf swinging and more. This program is funded by Arts with the Masters Original Works orders.


In 2022, FIT brought back the Scholastic Book Fair. Parent volunteers ran the week-long fair hosted in the first-grade wing at Muldown. Generous families could fill their teacher’s book wish lists for their classrooms, and we earned over $15,000 in educational dollars for the school!


Every Wednesday during this school year, a parent and/or FIT representatives push a cart full of amazing goodies, snacks, and supplies, along with good cheer, to each pod of the Whitefish Middle School. It was staff appreciation all year long! This was funded by middle school parents using a Sign-Up Genius.